University of Bremen | MARUM – Research Faculty – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften

Leo­bener Str. 8 D-28359 Bre­men

Key Details

  • Status Operational
  • Availability Commercial

Listing Description

A widevari­ety of pro­cesses makes the sea­floor a very dy­namic and geo­lo­gic­allydi­verse en­vir­on­ment of the earth’s sur­face. Con­tin­ously the sea­floor isformed by sed­i­ment erosion, trans­port and de­pos­ition, as well assub­mar­ine vol­can­ism and sea­wa­ter vent­il­a­tion through the oceaniccrust.

In theRe­search Area “Sea­floor dy­nam­ics” (SD), MARUM sci­ent­ists study theori­gin, struc­ture and de­vel­op­ment of the sea­floor world­wide. This is achal­len­ging task as many pro­cesses are oc­cur­ring sim­ul­tan­eously at anygiven time, on a large vari­ety of spa­tial and tem­poral scales. Work­ing inco­oper­a­tion with in­ter­na­tional part­ners from vari­ous dis­cip­lines andin­sti­tu­tions, MARUM sci­ent­ists tackle these chal­lenges byin­vest­ig­at­ing both the un­der­ly­ing pro­cesses as well as theirin­ter­ac­tions in shap­ing and chan­ging the sea­floor from the coast to thedeep-sea. These top­ics are ad­dressed by field sur­veys, lab ex­per­i­mentsand com­puter mod­el­ling ap­proaches.