Key Details
- Status Operational
- Availability Commercial
- General Grid connected
Listing Description
About RAVE
The research initiative for the first offshore wind farm project in Germany
In the year 2006: 4 years after the Publication of the strategy of the Federal Government for the use of wind energy at sea, no wind energy plant in Germany has got wet feet yet. The Federal Government decides to support offshore wind energy through a research initiative and the construction of an offshore test field: RAVE is born.
In order to advance offshore wind energy in Germany, RAVE starts with four goals:
- Proof of the offshore suitability of the 5 MW turbines
- Further development of the system technology
- Investigation of open questions about offshore wind energy use
- Expansion of research potential in Germany
These goals have been achieved for a long time: The 5 MW asset class is turning over a large proportion of all offshore wind farms. The system technology has been decisively developed and now the 7-10 MW turbines are in the starting blocks. In more than 30 research projects, knowledge has been developed and solutions found for a wide range of open issues in offshore wind energy utilization. The research landscape in Germany is large, diverse and internationally recognized.
Today, the focus is on new goals: reducing the cost of offshore wind energy and reducing technical risk. This brings new research questions to topics such as optimization of operation and reliability in the foreground. In addition, the vast wealth of data collected in RAVE enables many fundamental scientific questions to be dealt with.
Dr. BernhardLange
DeutscheOffshore-Testfeld und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co. KG
Tirpitzstraße 39
26122 Oldenburg
Press officer: Christian Bartsch
DirkWarnecke, Gencer Genc, Dr. Thomas Michel
Telefon 04414805 1811
Specific data about the OWF can be found here – full zip file with WTG drawings, OSS drawings, OWF location and layout map: