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A widevariÂety of proÂcesses makes the seaÂfloor a very dyÂnamic and geoÂloÂ...
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Review coming soon
Services •   Expertise in constructions •   Expert opinion to damage cases •   ...
Thermography For furtherqu...
Objective of our research- and development activities is to create integrated solutions which enable...
Fraunhofer IWES ensures investments in technological developments in the field of wind energy throug...
The water laboratory consists of six test benches applied for testing and type approval of different...
The department operates and maintains two easy-to-use table top SEMs that enable rapid imaging and e...
- Microwave plasma device: a versatile plasma source that can be used for plasma assisted sputtering...
In connection with our research in magnetocalorics and magnetic refrigeration we have facilities for...
We have several facilities for characterization of thermoelectric materials at temperatures from roo...
Apart from traditional sintering we have a number of advanced consolidation techniques available. ...
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) is a chemical characterization technique t...
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